Thursday, February 10, 2005

so glad i'm childless - IYKWIMAITYD

Gawker commented on the MSNBC story on how parents can't decipher kids' online lingo. MSNBC posted a guide to netlingo, but Gawker's additions were priceless:

The best part is the acronym guide for parents: “Know the Lingo.” It’s all here, from A/S/L (age/sex/location) to QT (cutie). But what about these:
· TMASMF (Touching my anus, smelling my finger)
· WFAPISIIAM (Wanna fuck a pie? I saw it in a movie)
· SIMP (Squirrel in my pants)
· LMNT (Lick my night table)
· WHSWJD (Which Hilton Sister Would Jesus Do?)
· IVRWIAL (I’ll vote Republican when I am legal)
· ILCBDWTGF (I like cupcakes but don’t want to get fat)
· LOL (Love oral lots)

(BTW, IYKWIMAITYD = If you know what I mean and I think you do)

I'd like to add some that I could use, given my recent dating and job situations:

FYBAAMOA (find your balls and ask me out already)
IDW2FUAM (I don't want to fuck you anymore)
YUDNTTV (yes, you do need to take Viagra)
ILOMRA (I'm late on my rent again)
IL2BICIB (I'd love to but I can't, I'm broke)
IWGPUTFAHT (I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today)


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